Have weight fluctuations and pregnancy left you with stretch marks? Stretch marks occur when the skin enlarges too quickly, leading to tears in the skin fibers. These tears can be red, pink, or purple initially, but they may fade to white as they heal.
Stretch marks are more likely to occur in people who don’t have enough omega-3 in their diets, as omega-3 fatty acids increase skin elasticity. When looking for omega-3 fatty acids sources, look for foods containing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which are the active forms of omega-3.
Want to avoid going under the knife to reduce your stretch marks? Our specialist, Dr. Gail Zimmerman, uses laser therapy to reduce the appearance of stretch marks in her patients. Read on to find out how lasers may improve skin texture and pigmentation after weight fluctuations and pregnancy.
How lasers treat stretch marks
Lasers remove the top layer of the skin and stimulate collagen production, allowing your skin to heal while reducing pigmentation and texture issues. The newer the stretch mark, the easier it will fade.
Red, pink, and purple stretch marks indicate that there are still some active blood vessels in the area. Therefore, there’s still the potential for producing more collagen that can promote healing.
Laser treatment for stretch marks involves multiple sessions, and the results of the treatment aren’t immediate, as it takes time for the new collagen to repair the damaged fibers. On average, patients need about four sessions to see optimal results.
Recovering from laser therapy for your stretch marks
Laser therapy for stretch marks is done on an outpatient basis, but you may experience bleeding and scabbing on the treated area if our specialists choose to use an ablative laser. As your skin heals, you’ll notice your stretch marks fading.
You may be given a cream or a lotion to speed up healing and ease discomfort after the treatment.
Find out if you’re a good candidate for laser therapy
Lasers are often recommended to patients who have stretch marks that won’t respond to creams and chemical peels.
If you want to find out what treatment works best for your aesthetic goals, contact us to schedule an appointment. Dr. Zimmerman will examine your skin and recommend a personalized treatment to get the best results. If you aren’t a good candidate for laser therapy, she may recommend prescription-strength vitamin A creams or exfoliating treatments.